N = (2xy x 2 − 2) For a differential equation to be an exact differential equation, we need condition M y = N x M y = 2 (x y) N x = 2y 2x = 2 (x y) So, the given equation is an exact differential equation We are looking for the solution of the form Ψ (x, y) = C dΨ = Ψ x dx Ψ y dy = 0 ⇒Ψ x = (x y) 2 and Ψ y = (2xy x 2Equation is exact, so we can find F(x,y) such that Fx = M, Fy = N F(x,y) = ∫ M(x,y) dx F(x,y) = ∫ (x y)² dx F(x,y) = ∫ (x² 2xy y²) dx F(x,y) = 1/3 x³ x²y xy² g(y) F(x,y) = ∫ N(x,y) dy F(x,y) = ∫ (2xy x² − 3) dy F(x,y) = xy² x²y − 3y h(x) Comparing both values we see that h(x) =Extended Keyboard Examples Upload Random Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music
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Consider the following initialvalue problem (x y)2 dx (2xy x2 − 8) dy = 0, y(1) = 1 Let ∂f ∂x = (x y)2 = x2 2xy y2 Integrate each term of this partial derivative with respect to x, letting h(y) be an unknown function in y f(x, y) = 13 x3x2yxy2 h(y) Find the;Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo Abrir el menú de navegación Cerrar sugerencias Buscar Buscar es Change Language Cambiar idiomaThis problem has been solved!
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1年前 求椭球面x^22y^2x^2上平行于平面xy2z=0的切平面方程 1年前 口腔属于消化道吗? 1年前 设两个相互独立的随机变量X和Y分别服从正态分布N(0,1)和N(1,1),则( ) 1年前The ode is exact so it has a solution of the form Choose so that David Kaplan Mathematics Professor (1990–present) Author has 455 answers and 1576K answer views 8 mo Related What is the general solution of x^2 dx y (x1) dy=0? (x 2 y 2 ) dx 2xy dy = 0 given that y = 1 when x = 1 differential equations;

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解:∵(3x^2y2xyy^3)dx(x^2y^2)dy=0 ==>(3x^2ydx2xydxx^2dy)(y^3dxy^2dy)=0 ==>(3x^2ye^(3x)dx2xye^(3x)dxx^2e^(3x)dy)(y^3e^(3x)dxy^2e^(3x)dy)=0 (等式两端同乘e^(3x)) ==>d(x^2ye^(3x))d(y^3e^(3x))/3=0 ==>x^2ye^(3x)y^3e^(3x)/3=C/3 (C是积分常数)The differential equation 2xydy=x 2y 21dx determines A A family of circles with centre on xaxis B A family of circles with centre on yaxis C A family of rectangular hyperbiola with centre on xaxis D A family of rectangulat hyperbola with centre on yIntegrating Factors Some equations that are not exact may be multiplied by some factor, a function u (x, y), to make them exact When this function u (x, y) exists it is called an integrating factor It will make valid the following expression ∂ (u·N (x, y)) ∂x

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Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is B) dxdy= 2xyy 2−x 2 Substitute y=vx ∴vx dxdv= 2vv 2−1⇒x dxdv=− 2v1v 2⇒ 1v 22v dv xdx=0 Integrating log(1v 2)logx=logk ∴x(1v 2)=k Substitute v= xy ⇒x 2y 2=kx Video Explanation Solve any question of Differential Equations with Patterns of problems > Was this answer helpful?Share It On Facebook Twitter Email 1 Answer 2 votes answered by rubby (525k points) selected by Vikash Kumar Best answer Integrating both sides, we get ex 96, 14 for each of the differential equations given in exercises 13 to 15 , find a particular solution satisfy the given condition 1 2 2 = 1 1 2 ;

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2xydx (y23x2)dy=0 Geometric figure Two Straight Lines Slope = 1 xintercept = 0/1 = yintercept = 0/1 = Slope = 00/00 = This is my attempt \\frac{dy}{dx} = \\frac{y^2 1}{x^2 1} \\\\ \\int \\frac{dy}{y^2 1} = \\int \\frac{dx}{x^2 1} \\\\ \\ln \\left \\frac{y1}{y1} \\rightThe functions f, g and h satisfy the relations f (x) = g(x 1) Then f " (2x) is equal to Answer 9 If x = sin − 1(3t − 4t3) and y = cos − 1(√1 − t2), then dy dx is equal to Answer 10 If y2 = 100tan − 1x 45sec − 1x, then dy dx = Answer 11 If y = sin − 1√1 − x, then dy dx is equal to Answer 12

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